Water for Food Production by 2025 (dgAlert)

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Water for Food Production by 2025: Policy Responses to the Threat of Scarcity

2002 – The world’s farmers will likely need to produce enough to feed 8 billion people by 2025, and to do so they must have enough water to raise their crops. Yet farmers are already competing with industry, domestic water users, and the environment for access to the world’s finite supply of water. To assess how water availability and water demand are likely to evolve by the year 2025, IFPRI has developed a global model of water and food supply and demand. Researchers have used this model to study global scenarios revealing how various water policies and investments will affect water availability and food production. By Rosegrant M.W. et al. (2002) IFPRI and IWMI (PDF).

Author: Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.

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