Fighting desertification with trees in Chad

Photo credit: Willemien – Committee Maastricht-Niou

Bois de la Fraternisation – Arbolle – Burkina Faso

Acacia nilotica planted in 1988 with soil conditioner TerraCottem

Reforestatiion Project of the Canadian Cooperation, Committee Maastricht-Niou and TC-Dialogue Foundation

Chad: 8000 trees planted in Bahaï to fight against the desertification of the region

At the start of September, with the support of ACTED’s teams the refugees and local population 8,000 new acacias and leucaenas next to the Ouré Cassoni camp of Sudanese refugees, in the East of Chad, to fight against the desertification.

The camp contributes to the already precarious environmental equilibrium of this particular zone, as the presence of the refugees increases the strain on the scarce natural resources.

Since 2007, to respond to this issue ACTED has created areas of reforestation and of fixation of sand dunes, within the framework of our activities supporting the Sudanese refugees of the camp.

This project will benefit both the refugees and the autochthones. These trees resist to the arid soils and will grow over 4 to 5 years and will be taken care of by the autochthonous and refugee populations.

Source: ACTED

Author: Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.