Desertification by forest fires in Algeria (Google Alert / Green Media)

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Green Media

Forest fires damage ecology in Algeria’s Batna province

Forest fires in Batna that spread over 5,000 hectares over the past 20 days have caused an ecological catastrophe in the region, El Khabar reported on Wednesday (August 8th). Thousands of rare plants and trees in the forests of Bni Fdala and Larbaa Municipalities, 20 of which could be found only in Algeria and Morocco, were destroyed. Many rare birds and animal species died, the paper quoted the local forest department as saying. According to figures from the General Forests Directorate cited by APS, 933 fires over an area of 17,000 hectares, including 8,400 hectares of forests, were recorded between June 1st and August 3rd in Algeria. In the week of July 28th-August 3rd alone, 296 fires were recorded over 7,200 hectares, including 3,370 hectares of forests.


Author: Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.

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