Fighting Desertification with Mycorrhizal fungi : take part (MMC /

A contribution sent by M. Michael CROWN (MMC)

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Mycorrhizal fungi – An Important Part of Fighting Desertification, and of growing anything…

Mycorrhizal Research

Our aim is to test out a low-cost method of making a mixed mycorrhizal inoculum from local soil to help plants to get established in difficult environments.

Mycorrhizal fungi are an association between plant roots and soil fungus that is found in most environments and in the majority of plant species. This association is particularly important in arid environments. Plants that are mycorrhizal show much more tolerance to drought, disease, and other stresses. As well as benefiting the plant the fungus stabilizes the soil and helps to reduce erosion.

In an undisturbed environment the mycorrhiza form a network under the soil. The roots of young plants become infected through contact. When the area is disturbed, for example through a process of desertification and soil erosion, then the infection potential will be reduced. When planting into an area where the soil is damaged in this way the chances of survival are much reduced. We are testing a low cost method of making a mixed mycorrhizal inoculum from local soil.

If you would like to take part in the research from where ever you may be, we are looking for people to try out this method and where possible set up a trial testing out the inoculum they’ve made. This would be very beneficial for us and would be a great contribution to the research. To find out more about this and how you can take part (or if you just want some very simple step-by-step instructions for making your own inoculum) then just click here.

The Mycorrhizal Research Coordinator is responsible for running the trials in Spain in parallel with the ongoing trials in Tanzania.

Author: Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.

5 thoughts on “Fighting Desertification with Mycorrhizal fungi : take part (MMC /”

  1. Mass production of mycorrhiza inoculum is
    the only way.
    To use soil or local soil was 40 years ago published from the FAO, it never and doesn’t work.

  2. I am a 4th year Soil Science student at the university of Nairobi doing a project on low-cost production of mycorrhizae and Organic P.. I would like to take part in the research.

  3. I am Dr. Muhammad Shafiq Chaudhry. I am working as associate prof. of botany having good experience with desert mycorrhiza especially in the sendy deserts. I would like to participate in this programe but taking in to accont that after mass culture through any method the application and taking results on large scale is much comprecated

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