Mongolia: The Menace Of Desertification (Google / Rising Voices)

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Nomad Green: Citizen Journalists Address The Menace Of Desertification

posted by Rezwan on Jan 09, 2010

In today’s post we will look at some of the reports of the cyber environmentalists of Mongolia, who received citizen media training from Rising Voices grantee Nomad Green. They tell about the horrors of desertification in Mongolia and highlight some local heroes who are trying to preserve the environment in Mongolia.

The works of Nomad Green are getting noticed. The Mongolian Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism is following them on Twitter.

Badamgarav wrote in a post (translated by Solongo) that most parts of Mongolia are affected by sand movement which is causing desertification.

Botanist Dorjgotovariungerel asks (translated by Ariungerel) why Mongolians are satisfied with their poor livelihood. The blogger criticized that Mongolians do not complain about their problems which can be exploited by the government citing that their is nothing to be worried about.

Dorjgotovariungerel also notices that the Mongolians are forgetting to wear the traditional Deel, however, the culture of carrying mobile phone is ubiquitous in the country.

The citizen journalists are also highlighting some local heroes who are contributing to save Mongolia’s environment.

Dorjgotovariungerel highlights (translated by Ariungerel) the wheelchair woman group who were trained by Byatshandai, head of Mongolian Farmer Women Association and agronomist Bayarsaikhan. They learnt how to grow vegetables in their own backyards and provide organic vegetable for their family. The blogger proposes that mining companies can buy seedling and seed of trees from them for the rehabilitation of mining fields.


Author: Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.