Green projects that protect the land from further desertification (Google / Examiner)

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Desertification the Next Green Revolution

by Suzanne Edwards

Desertification is “the process by which fertile land becomes desert”. In simple terms, when no vegetation exists on top of the land, the wind blows away the dirt and sand, and causes sand dunes. The sand dunes then move from place to place creating desert crawl.

According to the United Nations, ¼ of land is threatened by desertification. Approximately, 110 countries are affected, and 12 million hectares are said to be lost every year to desertification.

So, what factors are contributing to desertification? Recent weather extremes have been linked to desertification (in particular, drought). Human activities such as: deforestation, overgrazing and over-cultivation are also to blame for our diminishing arable lands. Chemical fertilizers, and over plowing also causes soil to compact and dry out, as well as poorly managed irrigation. In essence, any human activity that one can think of that pollutes, or degrades the land, can be seen as a threat.

As ecosystems change, and deserts expand, food production diminishes, water sources dry up and populations are pressured to move to more hospitable areas.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), desertification also has potential impacts on health which include:


Author: Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.