Food security : small-scale, tech-based initiatives and long-term research (SciDevNet)

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Food security demands diversity

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Food security relies on inter-related factors that go beyond just ‘producing more’

Better seed, better storage, less waste, and diversified crops are all needed

Providing enough good food for all will need a multi-pronged approach


The challenge calls for divergent solutions — small-scale, tech-based initiatives as much as long-term research.

Last month our Spotlight pages explored sustainable food production — how farmers can grow more food with scarce resources, and within environmental limits. But it’s an open secret that food security is not just about producing more or about how farmers work their land.

Consider just a few factors that must fall into place to ensure people have enough good food: affordable good quality seeds with high nutritional value; enough income for farmers to buy those seeds and other inputs needed to keep productivity high; and knowledge of tools and practices to help keep crops from damage and to sell them at a fair price.


Author: Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.