Interesting comments – Commentaires intéressants

De retour de ma mission en Algérie, je trouve quelques commentaires concernant mon message “Jardins familiaux dans le désert Sahara en Algérie“. Je m’empresse de vous les transmettre.

Back home from my mission to Algeria, I found some comments onmy message “Jardins familiaux dans le désert Sahara en Algérie“. I can’t resist forwarding them to you all.

1. Mouzaoui Abdelmoumene (Services des Forêts à Tindouf) – January 29, 2007

Merci Monsieur le Professeur Willem VAN COTTHEM,
Merci Taleb BRAHIM et les autres ingénieurs Sahraouis, et
Merci Unicef Alérie pour le travail dont j’ai moi même constaté les fruits lors de mes sorties aux camps des réfugiés Sahraouis.

Sans oublier les contributions des Services des Forêts de Tindouf, dont je fais partie, je félicite surtout les femmes Sahraouies pour l’adhésion aux projets initiés par Unicef Algérie. C’est l’effet direct du conditionneur de sol TerraCottem, porteur d’espoir.

2. Said – January 29, 2007

Assalamo Aalaikom,

Je suis un jeune ingénieur agronome, mais vivant à l’autre côté de la frontière (territoires occupés). J’avoue que votre expérience est assez remarquable et j’encourage l’ingénieur Taleb à y mettre son savoir-faire pour que chaque maison et chaque tente dans les camps de Tindouf aient leur jardin potager. Je pense à des techniques d’économie d’eau comme : le palissage… Bon courage !

3. Salek – January 30, 2007

C’est un travail remarquable qui démontre la viabilité de ce genre de travail dans les campements de réfugiés Sahraouis à Tindouf. La volonte et l’encouragement des ingénieurs Sahraouis vont aider la population Sahraouie de survivre malgré les difficultés et les contraintes de l’exil… Bravo et bonne continuation.

Un Sahraoui de l’autre coté sous l’occupation Marocaine.

Back home – De retour à la maison

Dear visitors, Chers visiteurs,

I had the pleasure of spending 3 weeks with the UNICEF projects in Algeria and today I am happy to pick up my stories about best practices and successful initiatives in the combat of desertification. Thanks to all those who have sent some comments. It shows we are forming a close family of people interested in field actions. I hope to receive some messages about success stories from your side too. That is the right way to coordinate all positive efforts and experiences. Be welcome with your positive stories about combating desertification and alleviating poverty towards sustainable development of rural people in the drylands.

J’avais le plaisir de passer 3 semaines aux projets UNICEF en Algérie et aujourd’hui je suis heureux de reprendre la publication de mes messages concernant les bonnes pratiques et les cas de succès dans la lutte contre la désertification. Merci à tous ceux qui m’ont déjà envoyé des commentaires. Ceci nous montre que nous formons une bonne famille de gens intéressés dans les actions de terrain. J’espère de recevoir des messages sur vos succès enregistrés. Cela formerait la meilleure coordination de tous les efforts positifs et l’expérience acquise. Soyez les bienvenus avec vos messages positifs sur la lutte contre la désertification et l’atténuation de la pauvreté en vue d’un développement durable de la population rurale dans les régions sèches.

Looking back to the future


In December 2002, coming home from CRIC 1 of the UNCCD (see the website UNCCD dot int and a series of interesting documents concerning the UN Convention on desertification), I decided to launch the creation of a network of individuals interested in desertification and poverty.

If you look for a newsletter (a bulletin) concerning these problems, please contact Miss Laetitia VERDIER at the UNCCD secretariat in Bonn, who is now publishing the newsletter, through her e-mail address: Lverdier ad unccd dot int.

Today, I went back to the first newsletters to freshen up my memories about those early days and can not resist offering you a short review of our first communications on the subject of success stories and best practices. Indeed, we can learn a lot from this early exchange of ideas. I hope you will enjoy “Looking back to the future” and see it as a renewed start towards more efficient actions in the field. Because that is what the poor rural people in the drylands are looking for: ACTION TO COMBAT DESERTIFICATION AND TO ALLEVIATE POVERTY.

Please have a look back at some of the messages exchanged !

2002-12-03 – INFO 001

Dear Friends,

One of the important messages and conclusions of UNCCD’s CRIC1 in Rome (11-22/11/2002) was that there is an urgent need for exchange of information within a network of individuals interested in the desertification problems. Many of us enjoyed very much the presentations of case studies and the ensuing discussions, although seemingly there was no time for in-depth analysis or exchanges of views on the situation in other countries. Nevertheless, CRIC1 certainly was a real success!

Most of the participants will remember that single sentence, repeatedly coming up in different interventions from the podium and the floor: “There is no more time for talking, this is time for action!“. I had a couple of times the privilege and the pleasure of reminding my friends that “REAL ACTION” could be launched by selecting a small number of success stories (best practices) and applying these in small scale projects, but in a large number of countries in all regions. The TPNs seem to be an excellent forum for setting up such comparative initiatives (see the pilot projects of the Asian TPN3 on sand dune fixation and rangeland management to be launched pretty soon). It goes without saying that we still need to exchange a lot of ideas on the way such actions could be optimally planned.

Willem Van Cotthem


2. Namsrai SARANTUYA

Congratulations with your great ideas to create such networking among individuals interested in the desertification problems! I think, first of all, we need human networking /it is CAPACITY!/ for achieving a real success in prevention and combating desertification in our countries.

I am looking forward to receive from time to time your messages and also contribute in different ways in information sharing between members of the network.

Dr.Sarantuya, from Mongolia


Yes, of course we are thinking too much in our “private-family-horizon”, but can you actually tell me how to pass on information and data if there are so many problems to start field work? Where to fly to if I can’t even find wings on my body? I’m really glad that there are people like you, reminding us of what we talked about… but I’m in the wrong position. I don’t know what kind of helpful information I can give you. Of course, if I can present any results, I’ll share them with the Yemeni Institutions as well as with a Network to Combat Desertification.


Thank you for the new challenge, and for the attached information. It was indeed a great pleasure working together at CRIC 1 in Rome. It is really gratifying to having people always on the move at the helm. Yes, indeed, let’s work closer together on desertification, or better, on anti desertification activities on the ground. As indicated verbally in Rome, SAHEL DEFIS has tested a bag of TerraCottem in Northern Burkina where we work with villagers in Djomga. The first trial on a small vegetable garden was a success, as compared to cattle manure and to another product that we have also been testing with Japanese partners. The work was not conducted in a very scientific manner, but the results were satisfactory.

Tahirou DIAO

5. NGO BIOS (MOLDOVA) – 4 Dec.2002

We were happy to hear from you and to realize that, while we are all thinking things over and getting slowly started, you have already undertaken an excellent practical step. But we do agree with you that the Rome meeting was a success and it needs all of our efforts to make it a greater success in the future.

The network you have so generously initiated is an important endeavour and we will support it any way we can and we will certainly appreciate our being on the mailing list.

We were impressed with all your interventions during the Rome CRIC and the creative ways of drawing the full attention of the audience. It is a rare art.

We, in our NGO, discussed the ways to assist the Convention and we have some interesting ideas. We have even provided to Mr. Marcos Montoiro, NGO Liaison Officer of the Convention, an outline of a case study we could present at a future convention event on some very practical things we have done in one or two villages, starting with the villages almost drowned in garbage, with utterly degraded pastures, the trees of the village forest in process of full destruction, huge gullies and coming to gradual improvements in the vineyards and orchards and creation of entertainment.

INFO 004

Dear Friends, Chers Amis,

Our network for information exchange on all aspects of combating desertification (UNCCD), caring for biodiversity (UNCBD), acting for sustainable development and alleviating poverty, has got a new name: “PEOPLE FOR ACTION”.

Indeed, this network is not just one of those many initiatives to submerge people with (sometimes useful) information. It is strictly oriented towards ACTION.
Therefore, I would like to ask all members of the network to send me by preference information on:

* Successful traditional methods to combat land degradation (soil improvement, water harvesting, plant and animal production etc.)
* Successful modern technologies to combat desertification
* Successful combinations of traditional and modern methods
* Successful projects (soils, water, plants, animals, socio-economy, gender,
poverty, biodiversity, etc.), especially those of the NGOs.

Of course, I will also appreciate all kind of information on interesting activities in your country our region. That is the reason why I have included in this INFO 04 messages from the CBD Secretariat (thanks to Juliane ZEIDLER), from and to Edison WOTHO (Botswana), from the CBO Friends of Mpigi Forests (Uganda) and some general messages from “Development Gateway” (for which I recommend your subscription) and from the LINKAGES UPDATE (another subscription to be recommended!).

Should you want to share your information, ideas and data with our network members, please do not hesitate and send me an e-mail with the message you want to convey. I will be more than happy to forward it.

Our Belgian TC-Dialogue Foundation looks forward to link all “PEOPLE FOR ACTION”, aiming at improvement of the standards of living of all people living in the drylands. We know that we (and they!) can count on you.

Willem Van Cotthem

PS. Que mes amis francophones ne désespèrent pas! Je promets d’incorporer aussi tous leurs messages dans la langue de Molière. A eux de jouer!

7. Edison WOTHO

Dear Willem,

Indeed you are a true friend of nature. Personally, I have high regards for you since working with you from AHTEG on CBD. Your ideas are very useful and practical. I agree with you that action speaks louder than words. Hopefully the scientists should demonstrate their findings on the ground. It is important that we come with practical programmes and projects to answer the needs of the poor communities who live in the dryland ecosystems.

Botswana as you know, is a semi-arid country with very erratic rainfall patterns. Our advantage lies on the small population, which has over the years been very practical in managing their environment. As a NFP, I am sometimes frustrated by the lack of resources to complement their efforts. Though our NAP is yet to be finalized, its key elements are now part of the Ninth National Development Plan (NDP9). The NFP office continues to discuss with the civil society best practices of addressing this problem. I was particularly touched by the Youth Programme in Lesotho. However my problem is that the project seems not to have room for self-sustainability.

Of our four (4) small projects, I believe the agro-forestry project is doing very well, but as you know water is a major limiting factor in this country. In addition we a very thin in capacity and in this regard I would appreciate to know if the Government of Belgium would be of any assistance in terms of developing the people I work with on the project.

The developing country Parties require resources to implement some of their noble ideas. The people down there are hungry and need assistance. I personally believe in doing. Results! Results! Results! That should be our slogan at UNCCD. When we talk of alternative livelihoods, we should come up with microprojects because that is the answer to combating desertification and poverty. Too many macroprogrammes, such as NEPAD, will not answer the needs of people living and driving their livelihoods from the drylands.

Once again, I thank you Prof for your great vision and I hope that all will be up to the challenge. One day we should sit down and reflect on your great dream as presented at the interactive dialogue in CRIC 1. My worry is that even NGOs do not reach the people. The projects they introduce are temporary in nature and do not provide a long-lasting solution. Botswana is prepared to make a difference, resources permitting. This why I am eager to personally attend a course on accessing GEF resources.


My dear friend Edison,

Sincere thanks for your appreciation. I hope our little network will bring all likeminded people together and create possibilities to exchange ideas about the success stories in combating desertification and alleviating poverty. Because one thing is sure: WE KNOW HOW TO COMBAT DESERTIFICATION.

It goes without saying that alleviation of poverty and mitigation of drought will never happen in our nice conference rooms, but in the field. A lot of people have shown in the past, through a number of small projects, which can be the best practices in water harvesting, soil conditioning, agroforestry, cash crop production, marketing of Third World products etc.

It is up to us to set up comparative trials with these best practices, in order to decide which of them will offer the best results in all different regions. Of course, not every single method will be applicable in all different circumstances and locations. We have to adapt our traditional methods and modern technologies to the local situations, but we can do it quite easily.

The classical question is: Where to find the necessary resources?

If only we could spend less resources at conferences, seminars, round tables etc., if only we could spend less at huge, and often non-sustainable programmes, maybe then we could save more money for a first series of serious tests of comparative studies of success stories in all regions (and later on in all countries).

But for me the real problem is not the lack of money. It is the human choice of priorities!

Like I said at CRIC1 in Rome, when we speak about possibilities to apply an excellent modern technology like TerraCottem (TC), automatically we get the question: “How much does it costs?”. Or: “Do you have a detailed cost-benefit-analysis?”. We all know that TC brings a solution for water harvesting, for soil improvement and for enhancement of plant production. We all know that TC improves standards of living of poor people in the drylands. Since 1988 it has been proven that TC is one of the success stories in the combat of desertification. Yet, people are still asking about its prize, not about its long-lasting positive effects, so that investment in it should be spread over ten years or more.

But for guns, bullets, land mines, bombs and missiles, destroying life all over the world (and mostly of the poorest), nobody seems to ask these questions about prizes and cost-benefit analysis. I know that the comparison is not a valid one and that at the international level other rules and laws play a dominant role. But I will continue to find it a real shame that WE COULD WIN THE COMBAT AGAINST DESERTIFICATION AND WE COULD ALLEVIATE POVERTY, if only we would stop fighting and would use those financial resources to apply the best practices all over the world.

Maybe, this wish will never come true. But please, let people never ask me again about the prize of TC or any other method to combat desertification, or I will give them the outcome of my cost-benefit-analysis of one bomb and one single missile.

Dear Edison, have a peaceful end of the year and a successful 2003. And let
us continue to work together, hand-in-hand, all of us, people wanting to combat desertification and poverty.

Willem Van Cotthem

(to be continued)

Jardin scolaire et “Club Vert” exemplaire à Draria (Alger)

Lors d’une mission pour UNICEF ALGERIE, j’ai eu le plaisir de visiter une école à Draria, près d’Alger, où le Club Vert de l’école à réalisé un jardin scolaire qui mérite d’être appelé “exemplaire”.

Le Club Vert des écoles est une initiative algérienne (si je ne m’abuse de Mr. le Ministre de l’Environnement et de l’Aménagement du Territoire Cheif RAHMANI, qui est aussi le Président de l’Assiciation Déserts du Monde). Elle a pour objectif principal de motiver les jeunes à prendre soin de l’environnement.

Le Club Vert de l’école visitée à Draria à pris réellement ses tâches à coeur. Dès l’entrée dans la cour de l’école, j’ai eu le sentiment de me trouver dans une enceinte qui respire pleinement le respect pour la nature et l’environnement. La cour “verte” est plantée d’une multitude de plantes ornementales. Les murs de l’école sont décorés de beaux dessins. Un système de poubelles pour le tris de déchets et le recyclage y est installé.

Continue reading “Jardin scolaire et “Club Vert” exemplaire à Draria (Alger)”

Espèce intéressante : Argania spinosa

Voici une espèce végétale qui peut jouer un rôle assez important dans la lutte contre la désertification dans certaines régions semi-arides, par exemple dans les pays maghrébiens. Elle est connue sous quelques noms vernaculaires : arganier, argane, argan, bois de fer.

Mes amis les forestiers de Services de la Conservation des Forêts à Tindouf (S.W.Algérie) s’intéressent particulièrement à la production de jeunes pieds de l’arganier (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels), qui appartient à la famille des Sapotacées. Nous avons l’intention de contribuer à la plantation de l’arganier dans la région de Tindouf, notamment dans les camps des réfugiés Sahraouis au S.W. de l’Algérie, car c’est une plante qui est adapté parfaitement à l’aridité.

L’arganier est une espèce d’arbre endemique de la plaine du Souss au S.W. du Maroc, où l’huile d’arganier est très populaire. Il y couvre près de 900.000 hectares. L’espèce est aussi présente en Algérie, mais sa dispersion y est plus restreinte.

Continue reading “Espèce intéressante : Argania spinosa”

Poverty reduction through group approach

I read this morning at the “Development Gateway” on poverty the following abstract :
1. NEW HIGHLIGHT: Group approach to poverty reduction

The poor (destitute, isolated, risk averters with low-income and poor infrastructure) can grow out of poverty provided their basic rights are re-stored and other civil society opportunities are made available to them. One successful approach to grow out of poverty is to organize poor into small groups, then organizations and finally federations or networks.

Why group approach to poverty reduction has been successful?
– Groups bring solidarity, strength, mutual help, pooling their resources, empowerment, emergency help, remove being helpless and takes them out of isolation
– Like minded people to share experiences, problems and successes
– Poor can learn from and adapt to their piers
– Seeing progress made by their piers make them progressive

The group approach also provides several benefits to the poverty reduction worker such as bring the poor together, pooling of learning resources, higher efficiency of training, more accessible, etc. So much so all successful poverty reduction initiatives are based on group principles.”

I couldn’t help thinking at our multiple initiatives with the Belgian TC-Dialogue Foundation, with which we organized humanitarian projects within the framework of combating desertification and alleviating poverty. First of all, it should be clear that desertification is strongly linked to poverty. Indeed, it are generally the poorest rural people in the drylands suffering the most of drought and desertification. That is why we have mostly been setting up community gardens for women and school gardens.

Continue reading “Poverty reduction through group approach”

Renforcement de capacités à SOS Kinderdorf d’Alger

En Décembre 2006, j’ai assisté à une réunion de renforcement de capacités, organisée par UNICEF ALGERIE à SOS Village d’Enfants (SOS Kinderdorf) à Draria, près d’Alger. Il s’agissait d’une réunion avec une délégation des écoles de Boumerdès (Algérie du Nord). L’objectif principal était d’informer les délégués de Boumerdès sur les potentialités de la méthode TerraCottem pour le conditionnement des sols, en vue d’un projet de construction de jardins scolaires à Boumerdès même. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient la démonstration des effets du TerraCottem (TC) dans le jardin de SOS Village d’Enfants à Draria et dans le jardin scolaire d’une école à Draria.

La délégation des écoles de Boumerdès et de l’UNICEF ALGERIE, celle-ci sous la conduite de Mr. Raymond JANSSENS, Représentant d’UNICEF, ont reçu un aperçu général de l’organisation SOS Village d’Enfants par Mr. Gérard RUOT, Directeur. Ensuite, j’ai eu le plaisir de pouvoir décrire la méthode TerraCottem, la composition de ce conditionneur de sol (un mélange de granulés et de poudres) et ses avantages pour la culture en terrains arides.

La visite au deux jardins à Draria a livré la preuve convaincante que le produit TerraCottem offre toute une série d’avantages pour cultiver toutes les espèces de plantes (légumes, arbres fruitiers, plantes ornementales, etc.) dans des sols secs, tout en n’utilisant qu’un quantité limitée d’eau et d’engrais (d’où son importance pour l’environnement et l’avenir de notre planète).

Voici quelques photos de cette séance de renforcement de capacités (cliquez deux fois sur les photos pour les voir au grand format) :

Continue reading “Renforcement de capacités à SOS Kinderdorf d’Alger”

Jardins familiaux dans le désert Sahara en Algérie

Dans le cadre du Programme NUTRITION de l’UNICEF en Algérie, un projet de construction de jardins familiaux fut lancé dans les camps des réfugiés du Sahara Occidental (Sahraouis). L’objectif principal de ce projet est de produire de la nourriture fraîche (légumes et fruits) pour les réfugiés, en supplément au panier mensuel de l’alimentation offert par l’ONU.

Au moins un ingénieur agronome dans chacun des camps s’occupe du suivi de ce projet. Déjà en 2003, l’ingénieur Taleb BRAHIM a commencé à cultiver des légumes dans son jardin privé au camp de Smara.

Aujourd’hui, il me fait parvenir un petit rapport et quelques photos. Lors de mes visites à Smara en Mai et Décembre 2006, j’ai pris des photos que je joins à son message. La conclusion générale est que des légumes peuvent aisément être cultivés dans cette partie du Sahara (S.W. Algérie), en particulier en utilisant le conditionneur de sol TerraCottem, qui nous laisse épargner beaucoup d’eau et d’engrais.

Continue reading “Jardins familiaux dans le désert Sahara en Algérie”

Family gardens in the Sahara desert of Algeria

Within the framework of UNICEF’s nutrition program in Algeria, a project was launched to construct family gardens in the refugee camps of the people of the Western Sahara (Sahraouis). The main objective of this project is to provide fresh food (vegetables and fruits) to the refugees as a supplement to the monthly food basket offered by UNO.

In each of these camps at least one agronomist takes care of the follow-up of this project. Already in 2003, ir. Taleb BRAHIM started growing vegetables in his private garden in the camp of Smara.

Today, he sents me a short report and some pictures. As I visited him in Smara in May and December 2006, I am adding my pictures of his garden to this message. The general conclusion is that vegetables can be grown quite easily in this part of the Sahara (S.W. Algeria), in particular when using the soil conditioner TerraCottem, saving a lot of water and fertilizer.

Continue reading “Family gardens in the Sahara desert of Algeria”

Tree growth with TC in Algeria

On November 14th, 2006, I posted on this blog a short message on the success booked with TerraCottem soil conditioner (TC) in Algeria (see “Success with TC in Algeria“).

I told you that Unicef Algeria invited me in 2005 as a scientific consultant to study possible improvement of the living conditions in the refugee camps of the Sahraouis people in Southwestern Algeria (Sahara desert), looking for ways and means to enhance local food production. The main objective was to look for new possibilities to grow vegetables in small family gardens in the refugee camps in the desert, irrigating them with a minimum of brackish water, taken from the subsoil.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Belgian TC-DIALOGUE Foundation, through which a project was set up to construct a large number of family gardens in different refugee camps. In these gardens, the soil conditioner TerraCottem (TC) is used to limit the consumption of fresh water for irrigation and to limit the application of fertilizers.

Already in 1983-1992, I have developed a soil conditioning method (called “TerraCottem“, see the website with that name ) at the University of Ghent (Belgium). With this granular soil conditioner one is able to stock a lot of water and nutrients in the rooting zone of the soil and to improve the microbiological activities and the formation of a larger root system. The result of all this : a better plant growth with less water and less fertilizer.

In October 2005, a small demonstration test was set up in front of the Sahraouis Ministry of Public Health in Rabouni (Tindouf area, Algeria). One out of 10 already planted seedlings of the Prosopis tree was treated with 30 g of the TerraCottem product. In November 2006, I showed you already a number of pictures showing the effect of TerraCottem (TC) on that seedling.

Today, I am publishing a new series of pictures, showing the remarkable effect of the TerraCottem (TC) soil conditioner on plant growth under dry conditions.

Continue reading “Tree growth with TC in Algeria”

African lake levels dropping fast

Did you here about the bad news ? I could not resist to copy the major part of this article in my weblog.

Vast African Lake Levels Dropping Fast

Associated Press

December 09, 2006 | CHARLES J. HANLEY

JINJA, Uganda – At Jinja pier the rusty red hull of a Lake Victoria freighter sat barely afloat in water just six feet deep – and dropping. “The scientists have to explain this,” said ship’s engineer Gabriel Maziku.


At 27,000 square miles, the size of Ireland, Victoria is the greatest of Africa’s Great Lakes – the biggest freshwater body after Lake Superior. And it has dropped fast, at least six feet in the past three years, and by as much as a half-inch a day this year before November rains stabilized things.

Continue reading “African lake levels dropping fast”

Striga Eradication from Maize Croplands

Striga is a parasitic weed preying upon different cereals, causing food insecurity in many regions.

A new booklet on this subject was published in 2006. It is entitled “Empowering Farmers to Eradicate Striga from Maize Croplands“. African Agricultural Technology Foundation. Nairobi, Kenya. 17 pp.

Continue reading “Striga Eradication from Maize Croplands”